Monster mashup

Artist Isabel Samaras paints familiar pop-culture TV icons into new, often sexual, often quite explicit, situations. Though quite talented and imaginative, Samaras’ creations are ultimately as hollow as The Munsters themselves, knock-offs played for canned laugther or gawking, mildly titilating until you are too bored or embarrased to keep looking. Above is “Herman and Morticia and Gomez and Lily”.

Posted in Art

One thought on “Monster mashup

  1. This piece has been renting some space in mind, in conjunction with your brief and, I must say, rather prude and curt analysis of this piece and the artist, overall.
    You are correct to say that this piece along with so many other of Ms. Samaras works, leaves you with that feeling that perhaps you need to go to confession for the first time in five years. It is just that ability to stir icky, self-condemning feelings within, that makes this piece and all of Samaras’ work so valuable.
    Samaras epitomizes the very core of lowbrow modern art. Her work comments, no matter how crudely, on our society, first impressions and reality. The Munsters and the Aadams family were so perverted and deviant in the eyes of society yet, still painted as the perfect American family. The very concept of the show was a mockery on the American “standard”. Yet, the creators knew that they needed to be cut from the same “mold” as the Cleavers and the Brady’s, so what if they had a bizarre fascination with the dark arts, brutality and death? Wake up people! Even the Cleavers and the Brady’s had skeletons in their closets. Samaras just airs them out.

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