
Sun Falls. Much rain -> high river -> falls turn into Rapids -> I want to try kayaking them but don’t because I really don’t want to capsize in one degree weather -> I start to wonder if I’m getting soft -> to compensate I go out to a bar and pick a fight with a guy in a Rush t-shirt -> I end up spending a a night in jail and have to attend re-education camp where they explain in excruciating detail the musical genius of Neal Peart. Damn rain!

Return of the Flys

Yellow-orange Amanita

Yellow-orange Amanita

Spotted the first Amanitas of the year. These guys usually show up in late October or early November, never seen them so early. Perhaps our long, wet, cool spring this year fooled them into things it’s already Fall. If you’re wondering if this is a version of the iconic Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria var. formosa) I’m not sure. The bulb is more like the one for Amanita flavoconia, and at times I see ones that look like Amanita frostiana.