Whole lotta somethin’ comin’ after me

As regular readers of this blog may have noticed, I’m a sucker for art which looks like a twisted version of something Dr. Seuss might cook up. The best of these works tread the line between extreme but not so far out that you couldn’t imagine Theodor himself inking it after accidentally ingesting a couple hits of acid and wandering down the dark, underexplored back alleys of his mind, those he can never visit sober because they aren’t fully appropriate for little kids. Not way out beyond the pale, but just a couple steps over the line. Shown above is “Outlandish” by Dave Burke.

Unlike the Ryden I wrote about, this one didn’t slip away, and is hanging on my walls right now.

Filling Ingot Molds

The late Boris Artybasheff created a series of illustrations called Machinalia for his book “As I See” in which heavy industrial equipment came to life. The resulting series is a set of wonderfully detailed, high-contrast black-and-white anthropomorphisms.

Rock 'Em Sock 'Em

I think that for all of us, of a certain age, the world of robots is both fun and a little scary. They are toys, factory workers, drones, and self-conscious science fiction icons hell-bent on eliminating us before we unplug them. Eric Joyner brings the world of old-time sci-fi robots to life with his collection Robots & Donuts. Above is What We Ought Not, We Do, a classic boxing knock-out scene re-envisioned with kid’s robots.